All scripts and input files required to generate these examples are available in the GraphViz2 repo.
# Annotation: Demonstrates the transitive 6-net, also known as Heawood's graph. # # Reverse-engineered from graphs/directed/Heawood.gv from the Graphviz distro for V 2.26.3. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2 -> new( global => {name => 'Heawood'}, graph => {rankdir => 'TB'}, ); $graph->default_edge(color => 'black'); $graph->default_node( fontname => "Arial", shape => "circle", width => "0.50000", height => "0.50000", color => "black", ); $graph->add_edge(from => $_, to => ($_ + 1) ) for 0 .. 12; $graph -> add_edge(from => 13, to => 0); $graph -> add_edge(from => 0, to => 5, len => 2.5); $graph -> add_edge(from => 2, to => 7, len => 2.5); $graph -> add_edge(from => 4, to => 9, len => 2.5); $graph -> add_edge(from => 6, to => 11, len => 2.5); $graph -> add_edge(from => 8, to => 13, len => 2.5); $graph -> add_edge(from => 10, to => 1, len => 2.5); $graph -> add_edge(from => 12, to => 3, len => 2.5); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec->catfile('html', "Heawood.$format"); $graph->run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates empty strings for node names and labels. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph -> add_node(name => '', label => ''); # Same as add_node(). $graph -> add_node(name => 'Anonymous label 1', label => ''); $graph -> add_node(name => 'Anonymous label 2', label => ''); $graph -> add_edge(from => '', to => ''); # This uses the name '', and hence the first node. if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "anonymous.$format"); $graph->run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates calling circo instead of dot. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => { rankdir => 'TB', page => '8.25,10.75', rotate => '90', margin => '0.125', size => '8.25,10.75' }, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph -> add_edge(from => 'Here', to => 'There'); $graph -> add_edge(from => 'There', to => 'Everywhere'); $graph -> add_edge(from => 'Everywhere', to => 'Here'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "circo.$format"); $graph->run(driver => 'circo', format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates a cluster. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {clusterrank => 'local', compound => 1, rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph -> push_subgraph(name => 'cluster_Europe', graph => { bgcolor => 'grey', label => 'Europe' }); $graph -> add_node(name => 'London', color => 'blue'); $graph -> add_node( name => 'Paris', color => 'green', label => 'City of\nlurve', ); $graph -> add_edge(from => 'London', to => 'Paris'); $graph -> add_edge(from => 'Paris', to => 'London'); $graph -> pop_subgraph; $graph -> add_node(name => 'New York', color => 'yellow'); $graph -> add_edge(from => 'London', to => 'New York', label => 'Far'); $graph -> push_subgraph(name => 'cluster_Australia', graph => { bgcolor => 'grey', label => 'Australia', }); $graph -> add_node(name => 'Victoria', color => 'blue'); $graph -> add_node(name => 'New South Wales', color => 'green'); $graph -> add_node(name => 'Tasmania', color => 'red'); $graph -> add_edge(from => 'Victoria', to => 'New South Wales'); $graph -> add_edge(from => 'Victoria', to => 'Tasmania'); $graph -> pop_subgraph; $graph -> add_edge( from => 'Victoria', to => 'London', ltail => 'cluster_Australia', lhead => 'cluster_Europe', ); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "cluster.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates a HTML label without a table. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $id = 1; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => { label => "HTML label demo # $id - Using \\< ... \\>", rankdir => 'TB', }, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph -> default_node(shape => 'circle', style => 'filled'); $graph -> default_edge(arrowsize => 4); $graph -> add_node(name => 'Carnegie', shape => 'circle'); $graph -> add_node(name => 'Carnegie', color => 'red'); $graph -> default_node(style => 'rounded'); $graph -> add_node( name => 'Murrumbeena', shape => 'doublecircle', color => 'green', label => '<Murrumbeena<br/><font color="#0000ff">Victoria</font><br/>Australia>', ); $graph -> add_node( name => 'Oakleigh', shape => 'record', color => 'blue', label => ['West Oakleigh', 'East Oakleigh'], ); $graph -> add_edge( from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'Carnegie', arrowsize => 2, label => '<Bike<br/>Train<br/>Stroll>', ); $graph -> default_edge(arrowsize => 1); $graph -> add_edge( from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'Oakleigh:port1', color => 'brown', label => '<Meander<br/>Promenade<br/>Saunter>', ); $graph -> add_edge( from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'Oakleigh:port2', color => 'green', label => '<Drive<br/>Run<br/>Sprint>', ); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "html.labels.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates a HTML label with a table. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $id = 2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( global => {directed => 1}, graph => { label => "HTML label demo # $id - Using \\<\\<table\\> ... " . "\\</table\\>\\>", }, ); $graph->add_node( label => q| <<table bgcolor = 'white'> <tr> <td bgcolor = 'palegreen'>The green node is the start node</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor = 'lightblue'>Lightblue nodes are for lexeme attributes</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor = 'orchid'>Orchid nodes are for lexemes</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor = 'goldenrod'>Golden nodes are for actions</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor = 'firebrick1'>Red nodes are for events</td> </tr> </table>> |, name => 'Legend', shape => 'plaintext', ); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "html.labels.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates HTML labels with newlines and double-quotes. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $id = 3; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => "HTML label demo # $id - Fixing newlines", rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph -> add_node(name => 'One', label => ' <One<br/><font color="#0000ff">Blue</font><br/>> '); $graph -> add_node(name => 'Two', label => '< Two<br/><font color="#00ff00">Green</font><br/> >'); $graph -> add_node(name => 'Three', color => 'red', label => ' <<table border="1"><tr><td align="left">Three</td></tr><tr align="right"><td>Red</td></tr></table>> '); $graph -> add_node(name => 'Four', color => 'magenta', label => '< <table border="1"><tr><td align="left">Four<br />magenta</td></tr></table> >'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "html.labels.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates Y-shaped edges between 3 nodes. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my %junction = (color => 'grey', shape => 'point', width => 0); # Note: arrowhead is case-sensitive (i.e. arrowHead does not work). my %headless_arrow = (arrowhead => 'none'); my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval', style => 'filled'}, ); # Node set 1: $graph->add_node(name => 'Carnegie', color => 'aquamarine'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Murrumbeena', color => 'bisque'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Oakleigh', color => 'blueviolet'); $graph->add_node(name => 'one', %junction); # 1st of 2 junction nodes $graph->add_edge(from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'one', %headless_arrow); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Carnegie', to => 'one', %headless_arrow); $graph->add_edge(from => 'one', to => 'Oakleigh'); # Node set 2: $graph->add_node(name => 'Ashburton', color => 'lawngreen'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Chadstone', color => 'coral'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Waverley', color => 'crimson'); $graph->add_node(name => 'two', %junction); # 2nd of 2 junction nodes $graph->add_edge(from => 'Ashburton', to => 'two', %headless_arrow); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Chadstone', to => 'two', %headless_arrow); $graph->add_edge(from => 'two', to => 'Waverley'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec->catfile('html', "jointed.edges.$format"); $graph->run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates non-cluster subgraphs via a macro. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; sub macro { my($graph, $name, $node_1, $node_2) = @_; $graph->push_subgraph( name => $name, graph => {label => $name}, node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => $node_1, shape => 'hexagon'); $graph->add_node(name => $node_2, color => 'orange'); $graph->add_edge(from => $node_1, to => $node_2); $graph->pop_subgraph; } my $id = '1'; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => "Macro demo $id - Non-cluster sub-graphs", rankdir => 'TB'}, ); macro($graph, 'One', 'Chadstone', 'Waverley'); macro($graph, 'Two', 'Hughesdale', 'Notting Hill'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "macro.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates linked non-cluster subgraphs via a macro. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; sub macro { my ($graph, $name, $node_1, $node_2) = @_; $graph->push_subgraph( name => $name, graph => {label => $name}, node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => $node_1, shape => 'hexagon'); $graph->add_node(name => $node_2, color => 'orange'); $graph->add_edge(from => $node_1, to => $node_2); $graph->pop_subgraph; } my $id = '2'; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => "Macro demo $id - Linked non-cluster sub-graphs", rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); macro($graph, 'One', 'Chadstone', 'Waverley'); macro($graph, 'Two', 'Hughesdale', 'Notting Hill'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Chadstone', to => 'Notting Hill', minlen => 2); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "macro.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates cluster subgraphs via a macro. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; sub macro { my ($graph, $name, $node_1, $node_2) = @_; $graph->push_subgraph( name => $name, graph => {label => $name}, node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => $node_1, shape => 'hexagon'); $graph->add_node(name => $node_2, color => 'orange'); $graph->add_edge(from => $node_1, to => $node_2); $graph->pop_subgraph; } my $id = '3'; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => "Macro demo $id - Cluster sub-graphs", rankdir => 'TB'}, ); macro($graph, 'cluster 1', 'Chadstone', 'Waverley'); macro($graph, 'cluster 2', 'Hughesdale', 'Notting Hill'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "macro.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; $graph->run(format => 'dot'); # leave here as a canary so test "run" Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates linked cluster subgraphs via a macro. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; sub macro { my ($graph, $name, $node_1, $node_2) = @_; $graph->push_subgraph( name => $name, graph => {label => $name}, node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => $node_1, shape => 'hexagon'); $graph->add_node(name => $node_2, color => 'orange'); $graph->add_edge(from => $node_1, to => $node_2); $graph->pop_subgraph; } my $id = '4'; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => "Macro demo $id - Linked cluster sub-graphs", rankdir => 'TB'}, ); macro($graph, 'cluster 1', 'Chadstone', 'Waverley'); macro($graph, 'cluster 2', 'Hughesdale', 'Notting Hill'); $graph -> add_edge(from => 'Chadstone', to => 'Notting Hill', minlen => 2); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "macro.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates compound cluster subgraphs via a macro. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; sub macro { my ($graph, $name, $node_1, $node_2) = @_; $graph->push_subgraph( name => $name, graph => {label => $name}, node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => $node_1, shape => 'hexagon'); $graph->add_node(name => $node_2, color => 'orange'); $graph->add_edge(from => $node_1, to => $node_2); $graph->pop_subgraph; } my $id = '5'; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => { compound => 'true', label => "Macro demo $id - Compound cluster sub-graphs", rankdir => 'TB', }, ); macro($graph, 'cluster 1', 'Chadstone', 'Waverley'); macro($graph, 'cluster 2', 'Hughesdale', 'Notting Hill'); $graph->add_edge( from => 'Chadstone', to => 'Notting Hill', lhead => 'cluster 2', ltail => 'cluster 1', minlen => 2, ); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "macro.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates a graph with a 'plaintext' shape. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $id = 3; my $html_template = <<'EOF'; <html> <head><title>Demo %1$s - A server-side image map</title></head> <body><h1 align = 'center'>Demo %1$s - A server-side image map</h1></body> </html> EOF my $file_main = "$id.1.html"; my $file_2 = "$id.2.html"; my $file_3 = "$id.3.html"; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => { directed => 1, name => 'mainmap', }, graph => {rankdir => 'TB'}, im_meta => { URL => $file_main, # Note: URL must be in caps. }, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'source', URL => $file_2); $graph->add_node(name => 'destination'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'source', to => 'destination', URL => $file_3); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'png'; my $output_file = shift || "map.$id.$format"; (my $volume, my $dirname) = File::Spec->splitpath($output_file); my($im_format) = shift || 'imap'; my $im_output_file = shift || File::Spec->catpath($volume, $dirname, "$"); $graph->run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file, im_format => $im_format, im_output_file => $im_output_file); for ($file_main, $file_2, $file_3) { open my $fh, '>', File::Spec->catpath($volume, $dirname, $_) or die "$_: $!"; print $fh sprintf $html_template, $_; } } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates a graph with a 'plaintext' shape. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $id = 4; my $html_template = <<'EOF'; <html> <head><title>Demo %1$s - A server-side image map</title></head> <body><h1 align = 'center'>Demo %1$s - A server-side image map</h1></body> </html> EOF my $file_main = "$id.1.html"; my $file_2 = "$id.2.html"; my $file_3 = "$id.3.html"; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => { directed => 1, name => 'mainmap', }, graph => {rankdir => 'TB'}, im_meta => { URL => $file_main, # Note: URL must be in caps. }, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'source', URL => $file_2); $graph->add_node(name => 'destination'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'source', to => 'destination', URL => $file_3); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my $output_file = shift || "map.$id.$format"; my($im_format) = shift || 'cmapx'; (my $volume, my $dirname) = File::Spec->splitpath($output_file); my $im_output_file = shift || File::Spec->catpath($volume, $dirname, "$"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file, im_format => $im_format, im_output_file => $im_output_file); for ($file_main, $file_2, $file_3) { open my $fh, '>', File::Spec->catpath($volume, $dirname, $_) or die "$_: $!"; print $fh sprintf $html_template, $_; } } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates graphing a Perl regular expression. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; use GraphViz2::Parse::Regexp; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {color => 'blue', shape => 'oval'}, ); my $g = GraphViz2::Parse::Regexp->new(graph => $graph); my $re = '^(([abcd0-9])|(foo)n?)x*y{1,2}'; $g->create(regexp => $re); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "parse.regexp.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; local our $TODO = 'seems to vary by Perl version'; my $gd = GraphViz2::Parse::Regexp::to_graph($re); my $gvre = GraphViz2::Parse::Regexp->new(as_graph => $gd); Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($gvre->graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates graphing a Set::FA::Element's state transition table. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; use GraphViz2::Parse::STT; sub read_file { open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $_[0] or die "$_[0]: $!"; local $/; <$fh>; } my $stt = read_file(File::Spec->catfile('t', 'sample.stt.2.dat')); my $g = GraphViz2::Parse::STT->new(stt => $stt, mode => 're_structs'); if (@ARGV) { my $format = shift || 'svg'; my $output_file = shift || File::Spec->catfile('html', "parse.stt.$format"); my $mode = shift; # default in the module my $graph = GraphViz2->from_graph(GraphViz2::Parse::STT::graphvizify($g->as_graph, $mode)); $graph->run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($g->graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates graphing a byacc-style grammar. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; use GraphViz2::Parse::Yacc; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1, combine_node_and_port => 0}, graph => {concentrate => 1, rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {color => 'blue', shape => 'oval'}, ); my $g = GraphViz2::Parse::Yacc->new(graph => $graph); $g->create(file_name => File::Spec->catfile('t', 'calc3.output')); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "parse.yacc.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates graphing a yapp-style grammar. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; use GraphViz2::Parse::Yapp; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1, combine_node_and_port => 0}, graph => {concentrate => 1, rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {color => 'blue', shape => 'oval'}, ); my $g = GraphViz2::Parse::Yapp->new(graph => $graph); $g->create(file_name => File::Spec -> catfile('t', 'calc.output')); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "parse.yapp.$format"); $graph->run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates a graph with a 'plaintext' shape. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new; $graph->add_node(name => 'Murrumbeena', shape => 'plaintext'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "plaintext.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates (1) newlines and double-quotes in node names and labels, (2) justification. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( global => {directed => 1}, graph => {rankdir => 'LR'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => "Embedded\\nnewline\\nnode\\nname"); $graph->add_node( name => "Embedded newline label name", label => "Embedded\\nnewline\\nlabel", ); $graph->add_node(name => "Embedded\\ndouble-quote\\nnode\\nname\\n\\\""); $graph->add_node( name => "Embedded\\double-quote\\label", label => qq|Embedded\\ndouble-quote\\nlabel\\n\"|, ); $graph->add_node( name => 'Line justification 1', label => "A short line\\rA much longer line", ); $graph->add_node( name => 'Line justification 2', label => "A much longer line\\rA short line", ); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "quote.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates subgraphs used to rank nodes horizontally (succinct version of code). use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, subgraph => {rank => 'same'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Carnegie', shape => 'circle'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Chadstone', shape => 'circle', color => 'red'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Malvern', shape => 'box', color => 'green'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Murrumbeena', shape => 'doublecircle', color => 'orange'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Oakleigh', color => 'blue'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Chadstone', to => 'Oakleigh', arrowhead => 'odot'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Malvern', to => 'Carnegie', arrowsize => 2); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Malvern', to => 'Oakleigh', color => 'brown'); # a and b are arbitrary values. All that's happening is that all nodes # in @{$rank{a} } will be in the same horizontal line, and likewise for b. my %rank = (a => [qw(Malvern Prahran)], b => [qw(Oakleigh Murrumbeena)]); for my $key (sort keys %rank) { $graph->push_subgraph; $graph->add_node(name => $_) for @{$rank{$key} }; $graph->pop_subgraph; } if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec->catfile('html', "rank.sub.graph.1.$format"); $graph->run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Nested records using strings as labels. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $id = '1'; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => "Record demo $id - Nested records using strings as labels"}, node => {shape => 'record'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'struct1::x', label => '<f0> left|<f1> mid dle|<f2> right'); $graph->add_node(name => 'struct2', label => '<f0> one|<f1> two'); $graph->add_node( name => 'struct3', label => "hello\\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h", ); $graph->add_edge(from => 'struct1::x:f1', to => 'struct2:f0', color => 'blue'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'struct1::x:f2', to => 'struct3:here', color => 'red'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec->catfile('html', "record.$id.$format"); $graph->run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Nested records using an arrayref of hashrefs as labels. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $id = '2'; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( global => {directed => 1, combine_node_and_port => 0}, graph => {label => "Record demo $id - Nested records using an arrayref of hashrefs as labels"}, node => {shape => 'record'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'struct1', label => '<f0> left|<f1> mid dle|<f2> right'); $graph->add_node(name => 'struct2', label => '<f0> one|<f1> two'); $graph->add_node(name => 'struct3', label => [ { text => "hello\\nworld" }, [ { text => 'b' }, [ { text => 'c{|}<>""' }, { text => 'd', port => 'here' }, { text => 'e' }, ], { text => 'f' }, ], { text => 'g' }, { text => 'h' }, ]); $graph->add_edge(from => 'struct1', tailport => 'f1', to => 'struct2', headport => 'f0', color => 'blue'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'struct1', tailport => 'f2', to => 'struct3', headport => 'here', color => 'red'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "record.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Deeply nested records using nested array-refs. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $id = '3'; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( global => {directed => 1, combine_node_and_port => 0, record_shape => 'record'}, graph => { label => "Record demo $id - Deeply nested records " . "using nested array-refs" }, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Alphabet', label => [ { port => 'port_a', text => 'a:port_a' }, [ { port => 'port_b', text => 'b:port_b' }, 'c', [ { port => 'port_d', text => 'd:port_d' }, 'e', 'f', [ 'g', { port => 'port_h', text => 'h:port_h' }, 'i', 'j', [ 'k', 'l', 'm', { port => 'port_n', text => 'n:port_n' }, 'o', 'p', ], 'q', 'r', { port => 'port_s', text => 's:port_s' }, 't', ], 'u', 'v', { port => 'port_w', text => 'w:port_w' }, ], 'x', { port => 'port_y', text => 'y:port_y' }, ], 'z', ]); $graph -> add_edge( from => 'Alphabet', tailport => 'port_a', to => 'Alphabet', headport => 'port_n', color => 'maroon', ); $graph -> add_edge( from => 'Alphabet', tailport => 'port_b', to => 'Alphabet', headport => 'port_s', color => 'blue', ); $graph -> add_edge( from => 'Alphabet', tailport => 'port_d', to => 'Alphabet', headport => 'port_w', color => 'red', ); $graph -> add_edge( from => 'Alphabet', tailport => 'port_y', to => 'Alphabet', headport => 'port_h', color => 'green', ); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "record.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Set record-style node labels and shapes in various ways. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $id = '4'; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => "Record demo $id - Set record shapes in various ways"}, node => {color => 'magenta'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'One', label => []); $graph->add_node(name => 'Two', label => ['Left', 'Right']); $graph->add_node(name => 'Three', color => 'black', label => ['Good', 'Bad'], shape => 'record'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Four', label => [ { text => '{Big', }, { text => 'Small}', }, ]); $graph->add_node(name => 'Five', label => [ { text => '{Yin', }, { text => 'Yang}', }, ], shape => 'record'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "record.$id.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates a subgraph (with a frame because the subgroup is called cluster_*). use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => '', rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Carnegie', shape => 'circle'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Murrumbeena', shape => 'doublecircle', color => 'green'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Oakleigh', color => 'blue'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'Carnegie', arrowsize => 2); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'Oakleigh', color => 'brown'); $graph->push_subgraph( name => 'cluster_1', graph => {label => 'Child'}, node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Chadstone', shape => 'hexagon'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Waverley', color => 'orange'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Chadstone', to => 'Waverley'); $graph->pop_subgraph; $graph->default_node(color => 'cyan'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Malvern'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Prahran', shape => 'trapezium'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Malvern', to => 'Prahran'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Malvern', to => 'Murrumbeena'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "sub.graph.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates clusters with and without frames. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey', penwidth => 3}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => 'Demo of 3 subgraphs (2 being clusters), and 1 frame', rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'One', color => 'red', shape => 'circle'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Two', color => 'green', shape => 'doublecircle'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'One', to => 'Two', color => 'maroon'); $graph->push_subgraph( graph => {label => 'Child the First'}, name => 'cluster First subgraph', node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, subgraph => {pencolor => 'white'}, # Required because name =~ /^cluster/. ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Three'); # Default color and shape. $graph->add_node(name => 'Four', color => 'orange', shape => 'rectangle'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Three', to => 'Four'); $graph->pop_subgraph; $graph->push_subgraph( graph => {label => 'Child the Second'}, name => 'cluster Second subgraph', node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, subgraph => {pencolor => 'purple'}, # Required because name =~ /^cluster/. ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Five', color => 'blue'); # Default shape. $graph->add_node(name => 'Six', color => 'orange', shape => 'rectangle'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Five', to => 'Six'); $graph->pop_subgraph; $graph->push_subgraph( name => 'Third subgraph', graph => {label => 'Child the Third'}, node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Seven', color => 'blue', shape => 'doubleoctagon'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Eight', color => 'orange', shape => 'rectangle'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Seven', to => 'Eight'); $graph->pop_subgraph; if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "sub.graph.frames.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates a subsubgraph. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => '', rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Carnegie', shape => 'circle'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Murrumbeena', shape => 'doublecircle', color => 'green'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Oakleigh', color => 'blue'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'Carnegie', arrowsize => 2); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'Oakleigh', color => 'brown'); $graph->push_subgraph( name => 'cluster_subgraph_1', graph => {label => 'Child'}, node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Chadstone', shape => 'hexagon'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Waverley', color => 'orange'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Chadstone', to => 'Waverley'); $graph->push_subgraph( name => 'cluster_2', graph => {label => 'Grandchild'}, node => {color => 'blue3', shape => 'triangle'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Glen Waverley', shape => 'pentagon'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Mount Waverley', color => 'darkslategrey'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Glen Waverley', to => 'Mount Waverley'); $graph->pop_subgraph; $graph->pop_subgraph; $graph->default_node(color => 'cyan'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Malvern'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Prahran', shape => 'trapezium'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Malvern', to => 'Prahran'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Malvern', to => 'Murrumbeena'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "sub.sub.graph.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates a trivial 3-node graph, with colors. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph->default_node(shape => 'circle', style => 'filled'); $graph->default_edge(arrowsize => 4); $graph->add_node(name => 'Carnegie', shape => 'circle'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Carnegie', color => 'red'); $graph->default_node(style => 'rounded'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Murrumbeena', shape => 'doublecircle', color => 'green'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Oakleigh', shape => 'oval', color => 'blue'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'Carnegie', arrowsize => 2); $graph->default_edge(arrowsize => 4); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Murrumbeena', to => 'Oakleigh', color => 'brown'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "trivial.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates named and unnamed subgraphs. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {label => 'Named and unnamed subgraphs', rankdir => 'TB'}, ); $graph->push_subgraph( graph => {label => 'Subgraph One'}, node => {color => 'magenta', shape => 'diamond'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Chadstone', shape => 'hexagon'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Waverley', color => 'orange'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Chadstone', to => 'Waverley'); $graph->pop_subgraph; $graph->push_subgraph; $graph->add_node(name => 'Glen Waverley', color => 'blue3', shape => 'pentagon'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Mount Waverley', color => 'darkslategrey', shape => 'rectangle'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Glen Waverley', to => 'Mount Waverley'); $graph->pop_subgraph; if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "unnamed.sub.graph.$format"); $graph -> run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
# Annotation: Demonstrates utf8 chars in labels. use strict; use utf8; use warnings; use warnings qw(FATAL utf8); # Fatalize encoding glitches. use File::Spec; use GraphViz2; my $graph = GraphViz2->new( edge => {color => 'grey'}, global => {directed => 1}, graph => {rankdir => 'TB'}, node => {shape => 'oval'}, ); $graph->add_node(name => 'Zero', label => 'The Orient Express'); $graph->add_node(name => 'One', label => 'Reichwaldstraße'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Two', label => 'Böhme'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Three', label => 'ʎ ʏ ʐ ʑ ʒ ʓ ʙ ʚ'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Four', label => 'Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος'); $graph->add_node(name => 'Five', label => 'ΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Zero', to => 'One'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Zero', to => 'Three'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'One', to => 'Two'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Three', to => 'Four'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Two', to => 'Five', label => 'Label has a ☃'); $graph->add_edge(from => 'Four', to => 'Five', label => 'Label has a ✔'); if (@ARGV) { my($format) = shift || 'svg'; my($output_file) = shift || File::Spec -> catfile('html', "utf8.1.$format"); $graph->run(format => $format, output_file => $output_file); } else { # run as a test require Test::More; require Test::Snapshot; Test::Snapshot::is_deeply_snapshot($graph->dot_input, 'dot file'); Test::More::done_testing(); }
Debian V 8.10